New League – SLC Cornhole, based in Heuvelton NY

Caught wind of a new cornhole league starting up in Heuvelton NY, on the 2nd floor above Doug’s Tavern (71 State St, Heuvelton NY). They are going by the SLC Cornhole League.

They have 10 sets of boards and will be playing at the official 27 feet distance between boards, and have a reported ceiling height of 20 feet!

Looks like they are starting up on Thursday January 6th at 6pm, and it will be a blind draw tournament every week and a cost of $10 each week. Players will accumulate points every week and there will be a tournament style playoff at the end.

I like that there is all of this information up front, and you know what you are getting into.

Here is a list of the rules they shared with me, but head on over to their Facebook page if you have any questions!

UPDATES: There will be alcohol for sale upstairs through the bar downstairs and there are still spots left, so if you are interested get in touch. Also, just to put it out there as the more information the better, the boards are all regulation size, but are not necessarily to ACL specs.

League Rules and Regulations

  • 27′ Throwing Distance
  • Blind draw for partner every week, determined by card draw. Partner cards will match boards used by the teams (i.e. 2 red Aces & 2 black aces will play on Ace boards, kings with kings, etc…)
  • A coin flip will be done on games #1 and #7 to determine lanes and who throws first (winner of coin toss gets choice).
  • Partners throw in same lane, board movement per game is pre-determined (I expect the people running the league will explain this).
  • ACL “Step Over” rules apply. If your foot lands over the line before your bag leaves your hand, the bag is void and removed from the board. Be respectful, warnings are OK.
  • Find your own sub if you can’t make it. 4 missed weeks will result in disqualification for the remainder of the season.
  • Players are allowed to use individual bags (partners don’t have to use same bags).
  • Best of 7 games (4 or more wins) gets 1 bonus point per week.
  • Playoffs will be individual games, best of 3 to advance. Top half of the league will have bracket spots for end of season, games will be bracketed by seed (i.e. 20 plays 1, 19 plays 2).
  • Player points: Any individual player who scores a recordable point score of 8 or more, keep track on sheet of all points.
  • 4 Bagger: Keep track of individual 4 baggers